¡Descubre español!

Summer assignment week 5

Week 5     Date completed:

Grammar  Review the following grammar and complete worksheet page 3:

Schaum’s Chapter 3  Preterite tense and reflexive verbs


Listening comprehension   Write a short English summary in your journal.

Descubre website….Summer assignment: Entrevista a los Hermanos Jonas


Reading comprehension    Write a short English summary in your journal.
Biografía: Los hermanos Jonas



Write a biography about yourself in Spanish including the following as bullet points:

  • Color Favorito:
  • Comida favorita:
  • Película favorita:
  • Actor favorito:
  • Actriz favorita:
  • Deporte favorito:
  • Día favorito:  For your día favorite entry, write in full sentences in Spanish.  Write a past tense description of your favorite day so far this summer, including your daily routine, such as “Me desperté a las once y media, me bañé y desayuné donas Krispy Kreme.”

