¡Descubre español!
Práctica para el
examen AP
Skill: organizing information from
multiple resources
The presentational writing section of the AP Spanish Language Exam
requires the student to write an essay in which she synthesizes information
gained from three sources:
two authentic written sources, and one authentic auditory source. It is
important for the essay to refer specifically to all three of the source
materials, as described on the
AP Spanish Language Exam Rubric. The
following materials provide Spanish 1 students with a first introduction to the
AP Spanish Language Exam experience. The purpose
of this introductory activity is for the student to practice the skill of
organizing and synthesizing information gained from multiple sources.
Instructions to the student: The
three resources linked below are lists of fashion don'ts taken from authentic
Spanish language resources. After you read the three lists,
brainstorm 2 broad categories of advice and organize the fashion advice into the
categories. You are practicing the skill of synthesizing
information, which means blending
ideas into one broad concept. Your category title should be a concept that
encompasses all of the items listed in the category.
Imagine that you had read an article in a vacation magazine and that you were
synthesizing information from that article.
Example of organization that is NOT skillful synthesis: "Category 1: casual
clothes, dressy clothes, and swimwear"
Example that IS skillful synthesis: "Category 1: clothing to pack for your
Artículo 1 | Artículo 2 | Artículo 3 |
Para el maestro |