¡Descubre español!
Práctica para el examen AP: Unidad 1 Etapa 2
Skill: guessing the main idea without understanding every detail in Spanish
1. As you listen to an authentic news
report about the economy in Spanish, take notes in the first column below.
every try to understand every word. Just
concentrate on making a brief list of advice for consumers during
economic periods. List as many pieces of advice
as you can. You may be surprised at how much you can understand!
2. Read “Inversores
se refugian en el arte” and “Invertir
en el arte del futuro” and take brief notes in columns 2
and 3.
Concentrate on the topic of advice for consumers in a
bad economic period. You won't understand the whole article,
but you will be able to get sense of the main idea of
each article. Notice the similarities and differences between
the two articles.
3. You will have one class period to write an essay in Spanish in which you
blend and refer to each of the 3 sources.
Click here
to see the AP Spanish Language exam scoring rubric.
Essay topic: La economía: ¿crisis u oportunidad?
Fuente auditiva |
Fuente escrita 1 |
Fuente escrita 2 |