¡Descubre español!

Summer assignment for students entering Español 2
Recommended resources: 
A Spanish-English dictionary and 501 Spanish Verbs

For each week’s assignment, review the grammar by clicking on the blue listed items below.  Complete the listening and reading activities and write a short summary in English.  A short summary of a listening or reading comprehension activity would sound like this:  “It’s a news report about inexpensive places to go on vacation.”  Keep all your written work in a notebook or journal and be sure to record the date the work is completed.                      

You will turn in your assignments
the first day of class in the fall, except for the post card, which you will send in the mail.                     
See assignments and workbook pages below.

You will turn in:
Week 1: listening comprehension summary; reading comprehension summary;
             post card; workbook page 1                                    
Week 2: listening comprehension summary; reading comprehension summary;
              blog response; workbook page 2 (Start during week 2.)
Week 3: listening comprehension summary; reading comprehension summary;
              STA advertisement 2 (Finish during week 3.)
Week 4: listening comprehension summary; reading comprehension summary;
             description of your special birthday surprises; workbook page 3
             (Start during week 4.)
Week 5: listening comprehension summary; reading comprehension summary;
              biography; workbook page 3 (Finish during week 5.)           
Week 6: listening comprehension summary; your score on the Simpsons quiz;
              introduction essay; workbook page 4

Week 1    Date completed:

Grammar   Review the following grammar and complete worksheet page 1.

Schaum’s Chapter 1  Nouns and articles

             Chapter 2  Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

             Chapter 5  Common interrogative words

Listening comprehension

Write a short English summary in your journal.

Descubre website video:
Tips para lucir bien en la playa

Reading comprehension    Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre websiteSummer assignment: Mostraron su gran corazón

Writing  Write a post card to your Spanish teacher telling her about your summer vacation.  Include several questions in your postcard.
Mail the post card to your teacher at this address:
St. Teresa's Academy
5600  Main Street
Kansas City, Mo  64113


Week 2     Date completed:

Grammar  Review the following grammar:

Schaum’s Chapter 4  Making a sentence negative and common negative words


Listening comprehension   Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre websiteSummer assignment: “Me gustas tú”


Reading comprehension    Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre website…Summer assignment: No me gusta


Write a response in Spanish to this blog; mention a minimum of 5 things that you don’t like.


Week 3     Date completed:

Grammar  Review the following grammar:

Schaum’s Chapter 6 Subject pronouns

               Chapter 3 Present tense of ar, er, and ir verbs


Listening comprehension   Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre website…summer assignment: Mi clase en Londrés


Reading comprehension    Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre website…Summer assignment: Enforex: Una escuela de español


Write an advertisement for STA, using the Enforex ad as a pattern.



Week 4     Date completed:

Grammar Review the following grammar:

Schaum’s Chapter 3 Present tense of irregular and stem change verbs


Reading comprehension    Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre website…Summer assignment: Introduction to Dígaselo con papas


Listening comprehension   Write a short English summary in your journal.
Descubre website…Summer assignment: Dígaselo con papas


Wirte a description in Spanish of what YOU do for someone special for his or her birthday.



Week 5     Date completed:

Grammar  Review the following grammar:

Schaum’s Chapter 3  Preterite tense and reflexive verbs


Listening comprehension   Write a short English summary in your journal.

Descubre website….Summer assignment: Entrevista a los Hermanos Jonas


Reading comprehension    Write a short English summary in your journal.
Biografía: Los hermanos Jonas



Write a biography about yourself in Spanish including the following as bullet points:

  • Color Favorito:
  • Comida favorita:
  • Película favorita:
  • Actor favorito:
  • Actriz favorita:
  • Deporte favorito:
  • Día favorito:  For your día favorite entry, write in full sentences in Spanish.  Write a past tense description of your favorite day so far this summer, including your daily routine, such as “Me desperté a las once y media, me bañé y desayuné donas Krispy Kreme.”


Week 6     Date completed:

Grammar  Review the following grammar:

Schaum’s Chapter 2 Adjectives, comparatives, superlatives,

Schaum’s Chapter 7 Ser and estar with predicate nominative, origin versus

                               location, characteristic vs. condition


Listening comprehension   Write a short English summary in your journal.

Descubre website…Summer assignment:  El blog de Pablo “Mi familia”


Reading comprehension  How did you do on the quiz?  Record your score.

Descubre website…Summer assignment: Jugar a los Simpson en español


Writing   Compose a one page essay in Spanish in which you introduce yourself to your new Spanish teacher. 

Las maestras de español de STA:  Melissa Axton and Carolyn Hollstein

Include a picture of yourself with your essay. 

Your teacher would be interested in knowing the following:

Who you are and how old you are

Where you are from and where your house is

What your family is like

What you are like

What you studied last year

Which activities you participated in last year

What you like to do and what your favorite classes are

What your easiest and most difficult classes are

What you did this summer

